Thursday, April 16, 2009

So my 20's are over....

Okay so another decade has come to an end. reflecting back over the last 10 years makes me so grateful . So many wonderful things happened in my 20's. Just to name a few:

1. Graduated college at 21
2. Got engaged to my high school sweetheart at 23
3. Got married at 24
4. Bought our first house at 24
5. Had our first child, our beautiful daughter Emma, at 26
6. Had our 2nd child, our sweet little happy boy Jacob, at 28
7. Bought our 2nd house that has room for us to expand in, at 29.

I have learned a lot in the last decade as well. I hope that I have done a lot of maturing, Josh may say otherwise. Here are some of the things that I think are the most important lessons that I have learned.

1. Children are a true gift from God. No matter how they come to us, by birth, adoption, fostering, marriage, it doesn't matter. God sends us the children that are in our lives.

2. There is no greater gift you can give your child than your time. My children may like toys, movies and candy, but they are the happiest when they are with Josh and me. It's so important for us to never forget why we decided to have children in the first place, and that it goes by very quickly and we will never get that time back.

3. True friends are very rare. In high school you may have 20 close friends, but you learn as you get older that there are only a few who will be there for you no matter what. I can count mine on one hand. You may talk to these friends everyday, or you may only be able to catch up once in awhile, but when it matter most, when you are in need, they will be your side to make things easier.

4. Patience really is a virtue. It makes us better people, better mothers, better spouses, etc... I am always working on this one. I have a hot Italian temper that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. I have really tried hard to better myself when it comes to this, especially as a mother. My children have tested that patience big time. I am not perfect, but I am getting better.

Everyone has told me that their 30's were better than their 20's. If this is true, then I am truly excited for the next 10 years.

Happiest moments, not the most attractive perhaps, but the happiest :)


Michele said...

Great thoughts! I hope your 30's are as happy if not happier than your 20's. I know mine have been.

Jared and Amber said...

Your next 10 will be awesome! The next ten will hold so many more fun memories since the kids will be right in the thick of growing up! Enjoy it all!

michelle said...

This is great!
I'm so glad you guys have a blog! Now we can "cyber stalk" you! Just kidding. Looking forward to lots of fun posts and adorable pictures :) I can't wait to add you to our friend list!