Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Emma dancing

Emma loves to dance, she is very entertaining. I record Oprah and the other day she had on Simon Cowell and people who had auditioned for some of his shows. Emma and Jacob both really enjoyed one performance and Emma danced to it several times that day. When Josh got home that night Emma asked me to put it on so she could dance for him. I really wish I had recorded her doing it earlier, because she was mimicking the dancers and doing a pretty good job. Jacob got into it as well and was dancing and going in circles. Well at least I thought to record their dancing later on, so here it is. Enjoy :)


Janie said...

What kind of dancing are you teaching my sunbeam???!? Now we can be blogging buddies!

Katie said...

Looks like those dance classes are really paying off! So cute!

Jared and Amber said...

That's awesome! So much fun to watch!