Thursday, August 27, 2009

Swimming lessons

I have said it at least 100 times in the last month, swimming lessons are so worth the cost! Emma started at Syd Mardons last year, and at first I though they were a little pricey but I had heard from several parents that they were the best so I went and ahead and enrolled Emma. I was so happy with them that I paid for a 2nd set so that she had 20 all together. By the end of those 20 Emma was able to jump in the pool by herself and with a little help get to the side and climb out. She was also able to "swim" about 3 feet over to the side of the pool. This year we paid for 2 sets for Emma again and now she is swimming further, able to float on her back for a good amount of time, and when jumping in can swim to the side independently and get out of the pool. It's so nice to know that Emma can do things that could save her life if a situation came up. Of course the goal is to never let a situation like that occur. It's much more fun for me to take the kids to the swimming pool since Emma is pretty independent in the pool and so I only have to hold on to one kid. And speaking of that one kid, we had planned on waiting until next year when he was 2 to start lessons, but due to his complete non-fear of pools, (I'm talking about walking to the side and purposely falling in and not even being scared of when he goes totally under. The lifeguard almost had to jump in one time becasue he ran away from me and fell/jumped in) we decided after we were advised by the swim instructor to have him take set of lessons this year. At first Jakey was very happy. But after the first 2 he decided he didn't like the lessons, mainly because she holds him and makes him do certain things and he'd rather be left to his own in the pool, doesn't want anyone to hold him. It's been pretty pathetic. He cries for "ma-ma" and says "all done" in the saddest most pathetic voice he can find. But at least he has learned to put his arms out and grab the side of the pool, and a few other little things like that. It'll be a good foundation for next years lessons. The lessons ended last night and I'm actually glad because it can be a little exhausting taking the kids by myself. I'm so happy with Syd's though, and I love the instructors. Syd Mardons is attached to and run by the Dance Connection , where Emma takes dance, so the instructors are all girls we know which has been fun for Emma. If anyone's looking for a swim school definitely recommend them! We get a 2 weeks break now, and then dance start backs up. This year Emma's doing tap and I am so excited!!

I posted the video below. First up is Jacob and you will see a little taste of what his lessons have been like. The rest is of Emma, our little fish!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Purple walls and spaghetti

Wow it's been 2 months since my last post! Well nothing too exciting has gone on, just a really busy summer. Josh was off in July which is always so nice. I get to take showers without Jacob banging on the door wanting to come in. I get help with all the household chores. I get to make a list of things I want done around the house and he does them. He takes the kids with him wherever he goes leaving me in the house alone to do whatever I want. Basically I get totally spolied!! Well that's over with now, and we're back to reality. Okay so Emma has asked for months now for us to paint her walls purple. We were going to wait until next year and re-do her room at the same time did Jacob's when he turned two, but I got a little excited so I decided to do it now and surprise her. The painters came over and all she knew was the playroom was getting painted, but she caught on when she saw that when they were finished with that room they headed up the stairs. She was so happy though, especailly when I pulled out the new Tinkerbell bedding she had seen at Target. Needless to say she was/is a very happy girl!

Jacob seemed to like her new room too, so much that he found a pencil an scribbled all over her walls. It came out though. Speaking of Jacob he's now 17 months old and so fun. He's got over 40 words now, and he's not afraid to use them. He's still a huge eater, eats more than me sometimes. And so this is where the spaghetti comes in :)