Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm so behind on posting this but on July 18th, 2011 at 10:53pm we were blessed with the arrival of Brayden Lyle Brigham. I had a doctor appointment earlier in the day and when I went I was dilated to 5 so I was sent to the hospital. It was a boring labor, painless too so I'm thanksful for that, right up until the end when it was about time to push, then it was not painless or boring at all! He is the sweetest little baby and we all love him so much. It was the first time that as soon as the baby was placed in my arms I was overwhelmed with love. I loved my other 2 children of course, but the bond was instant with this little guy and I felt as if I had known him forever. Maybe because I had been saying since Jacob was born that I knew I had another son was out there waiting for me. Whatever the reason it was wonderful. I'm so blessed to be able to have this little guy, another healthy baby, and I dont take it for granted ever.

Just 10 days before Brayden was born Josh's father had a massive heart attack and died. It was a total shock, he was a pretty healthy man, and of course this was devastating to Josh. I had said that I was not going to have the baby until after the memorial service and it was less than 24 hours that I went into labor so we were both very thankful for that. A little miracle I believe since I had been dilated to 4 for 3 weeks and I had never made it to 39 weeks before. Josh likes to say it was half Gods will and half my stubborness. The baby shares a middle name with Josh's father, something we decided after he passed away as a little tribute to him. He had actually suggested the name but we were going to go with something else. I hope he is happy that we changed it for him. So July was a crazy emotional month for us but life has gone on and we are enjoying our family of 5.

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